Do You Feel Anxious At Night And Stressed? These Five Tips Can Help You To Calm Anxiety So That You Can Sleep Well At Night "Meditation can help people relax, focus, tune in to the innermost feelings of their moment-to?moment. This is extremely useful for relaxation and winding down to sleep," says Dr. Fran Walfish, a Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent. She cites the example she gave of a couple who became more relaxed after being stressed out. They began to meditate for 30 mins each evening. They slept deeper and felt closer to each other. Use an app such as Buddhify or Headspace to meditate guided. ARCTIC DREAMS 10 COOLING GEL MATTRESS REVIEW 8 SLEEP VS CHILIPAD People might try to improve their sleep by reducing stress levels, practicing good sleep hygiene, or talking to a doctor about anxiety. A person can reduce anxiety and improve their sleep quality with treatment and support. These are some of the best prac...